Thursday, August 4, 2011


When I am feeling blah I wonder to myself…What’s the point?

When I have no motivation I wonder to myself… Will anyone notice if I stop trying?

When things are bad I wonder to myself…Why me?

The hardest part of being driven mentally is staying driven mentally. But through my encounters in life I have learned that that’s okay.

If you could solve having a blah day, losing your motivation and having a bad experience all on your own than you wouldn’t have or need friends and family or that great encounter with a stranger.

You wouldn’t have someone to tell you that the point of trying is CAUSE YOU ARE ABLE; we all forget that not everyone is.

If you could switch on that motivation when it’s turned off and you wonder will anyone notice if you stop trying, you wouldn’t need anyone to tell you how when you try it encourages and reassures them to do the same.

When things get bad in life and it doesn’t drive you to sometimes wonder WHY ME? You wouldn’t have someone who has been through worse remind you that it could be worse.

Life and everything that happens in it is not supposed to be controlled. If it could be then life wouldn’t be worth living.

Don’t over think, don’t regret, just live.

Nothing in this world belongs to us, the only thing we own are our choices and you never know how your choices may impact, influence, or motivate someone else. And if you mess up or fall off track, you can always have someone there to help get you back on track.

So, don’t over think, don’t regret, just live.

Shanna A.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Online and Traditional Dating

This post is dedicated to my little brother whom I promised if he received a good grade on this assignment I would post it. Congrats Noel I am so proud of you and your intelligent mind.

Online and traditional dating are options that society has created as well as taught for interacting with each other. In today’s social environment, online dating is favoured among people especially the younger generation because it is not as time consuming as planning a date or putting in the effort to go out and get to know someone. In my opinion, traditional dating is more interactive and effective on a personal level. When it comes to socializing, personal relationships and occupying your time, I believe traditional dating is a better option than online dating.

With traditional dating socializing is more genuine because you have the opportunity to receive and experience the feedback of body language and the natural laws of attraction when interacting with a person. For instance something as simple as eye contact can introduce or initiate an attraction, it is a physical action that shows interest or may get your attention of a person without using words. Another advantage of socializing with traditional dating is having conversations face to face. In doing so, the tone of voice and expression of the face and use of body language that is presented can tell the individual if they are joking or if they are serious, so there is no room for misinterpretation. With online dating face to face contact is lacking the personal chemistry between the two people. With the bases of online interaction being through messages it is more common for people to read into or misunderstand the message behind the message. Also with using online as a source of dating it is less likely for someone to see the reaction from a person from something that was said or from their overall presentation whether it is how he or she is dressed, how they talk or any other meeting of preference.

In addition, personal relationships manifest a bond that is in my opinion unachievable when using the internet as a tool to build a strong relationship. In comparison to online dating over a period of time or with a few encounters of face to face interaction trust is something that is developed naturally and much faster between two people. A sense of security can be created which can help the person’s social skills for future encounters or potential dates, which will better them as an individual. With online dating, bonding is not as fast as facet to face interacting. As mentioned with face to face interaction, you have feedback such as tone and body language to let you decide if you like someone or not, if you have anything in common, if you can relate to he or she’s sense of humour, and you can also get a better idea of who they are as a person whereas the online dating’ format is a letter or message without vocalized personality.

Comparably, occupying your time with traditional dating encourages you to get to know someone in an old fashioned sense. For example if you are in a coffee shop and you notice someone attractive sitting by themselves, you may feel an urge to go over and introduce yourself but before you do so you will make it a point to check that you look presentable, the result of initiating this action is it can lead to a date and a relationship may grow. Yet online dating options take away the pressure of how you may come across to the person. When sitting behind a computer, how you look and talk does not matter which creates a false sense of who a person may be, whereas face to face is what you see is what you get.

In conclusion, traditional dating is more beneficial for experiencing the chemistry, honesty and natural growth as an individual and between two people which cannot be experienced through online dating. It can also do more for a person’s self-esteem and help better them to deal with the natural routine that life presents to us when dealing with one another.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


By Shanna Armogan

They say good comes to those who wait

I live my life right

I don't fuss or fight

and at the end of the night

I wonder what is my fate

I always do what others want

and all it has taught

Is when you're reliable

Your sweetness is mistaken for weakness

But I choose not to get angry and display hate

Because good comes to those who wait

You should never judge a book by it's cover

Because you never know whats hiding under

It could be cold

or it can be warm

personalities come in any form

Don't underestimate

Those that do

Find out rather late

That good comes to those who wait

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Death... What can I say about it other than it is truly underestimated. From little I was taught death is a part of life, I think that is something that is said because no one really has an answer as to why death really happens. Why do some people live longer than others? Why do some people die from Cancer, Aids, or a blood clot to the heart and others soundlessly in their sleep? Your typical answer is it is a part of life.

There are so many different approaches you can take when answering those questions, if you are religious than your answer is God, God is the reason because God gives life and God takes it away. If you are more of a literal person then you try and find logic in which case if it is a disease than maybe you weren’t taking care of your health, if you live to be 100yrs old and die in your sleep then you have lived your life and died of natural causes.

My Daddy died on December 11th 2010 at 58yrs of age in a span of three days to cancer. He was healthy, wasn’t old and he believed in God. There is no explanation, and if anyone attempted to give me one NOTHING convinces me that this was his time. There is an emptiness inside me that will not go away, my father was in my life ALL of my life than suddenly taken away, there truly is no explanation for it.

People say everything happens for a reason, through my father’s death things have surfaced...true colors of people in my life, and how much we take for granted. Life is this great gift given to us, life is what you make it and when I really paid attention all I’ve noticed is how much of a business we have made life. My father’s death is the most devastating time of my life, but it only impacted anyone who was close to him...Death is apart of life but we need to pay for life insurance so that when this natural action in life happens we are covered. We pay for health insurance so we can live...correction health insurance is a format of population control created by Man because not everyone can afford it, and it’s simple if you get sick and can’t pay for what you need to get better, you don’t get better. Life is a business Transaction that expires when you die. The other unfortunate part of the life that we make is it continues whether we are ready for it or not, two days after burying my father I was told I am expected back at work...selfishness overtakes compassion in our society of life.

After observing this I am beginning to think that that is why death happens the way it does, to show human kind that we can’t control everything, to force us to feel. When death is ready to take you, no matter what form it is, there is nothing you can do about it, death takes the control away.