Death... What can I say about it other than it is truly underestimated. From little I was taught death is a part of life, I think that is something that is said because no one really has an answer as to why death really happens. Why do some people live longer than others? Why do some people die from Cancer, Aids, or a blood clot to the heart and others soundlessly in their sleep? Your typical answer is it is a part of life.
There are so many different approaches you can take when answering those questions, if you are religious than your answer is God, God is the reason because God gives life and God takes it away. If you are more of a literal person then you try and find logic in which case if it is a disease than maybe you weren’t taking care of your health, if you live to be 100yrs old and die in your sleep then you have lived your life and died of natural causes.
My Daddy died on December 11th 2010 at 58yrs of age in a span of three days to cancer. He was healthy, wasn’t old and he believed in God. There is no explanation, and if anyone attempted to give me one NOTHING convinces me that this was his time. There is an emptiness inside me that will not go away, my father was in my life ALL of my life than suddenly taken away, there truly is no explanation for it.
People say everything happens for a reason, through my father’s death things have surfaced...true colors of people in my life, and how much we take for granted. Life is this great gift given to us, life is what you make it and when I really paid attention all I’ve noticed is how much of a business we have made life. My father’s death is the most devastating time of my life, but it only impacted anyone who was close to him...Death is apart of life but we need to pay for life insurance so that when this natural action in life happens we are covered. We pay for health insurance so we can live...correction health insurance is a format of population control created by Man because not everyone can afford it, and it’s simple if you get sick and can’t pay for what you need to get better, you don’t get better. Life is a business Transaction that expires when you die. The other unfortunate part of the life that we make is it continues whether we are ready for it or not, two days after burying my father I was told I am expected back at work...selfishness overtakes compassion in our society of life.
After observing this I am beginning to think that that is why death happens the way it does, to show human kind that we can’t control everything, to force us to feel. When death is ready to take you, no matter what form it is, there is nothing you can do about it, death takes the control away.