When I am feeling blah I wonder to myself…What’s the point?
When I have no motivation I wonder to myself… Will anyone notice if I stop trying?
When things are bad I wonder to myself…Why me?
The hardest part of being driven mentally is staying driven mentally. But through my encounters in life I have learned that that’s okay.
If you could solve having a blah day, losing your motivation and having a bad experience all on your own than you wouldn’t have or need friends and family or that great encounter with a stranger.
You wouldn’t have someone to tell you that the point of trying is CAUSE YOU ARE ABLE; we all forget that not everyone is.
If you could switch on that motivation when it’s turned off and you wonder will anyone notice if you stop trying, you wouldn’t need anyone to tell you how when you try it encourages and reassures them to do the same.
When things get bad in life and it doesn’t drive you to sometimes wonder WHY ME? You wouldn’t have someone who has been through worse remind you that it could be worse.
Life and everything that happens in it is not supposed to be controlled. If it could be then life wouldn’t be worth living.
Don’t over think, don’t regret, just live.
Nothing in this world belongs to us, the only thing we own are our choices and you never know how your choices may impact, influence, or motivate someone else. And if you mess up or fall off track, you can always have someone there to help get you back on track.
So, don’t over think, don’t regret, just live.
Shanna A.